
  1. Cyrillic Fonts For Mac Free
  2. Free Cyrillic Fonts For Mac
  3. Cyrillic Font Windows 10
  4. Cyrillic Script Font

This is the first of the foureasy steps of this guide. Your computer comes with limited or nosupport for Cyrillic languages and in this step you will install fontsthat contain letters of Cyrillic alphabets (Russian, Ukrainian,Belarussian, etc.) to be able to display and even type Cyrillic text.

Fonts recommended for download (this applies to all otherrecommended software on this site unless specified otherwise) fromthis page are free- or shareware. A number of links tocommercial Cyrillic fonts are available.Don't forget to check the links to pages with additional information atthe bottom of this page!

Mac OSX ships with a few fonts containing Cyrillic alphabet characters.Lucida is among those. These fonts conform to Apple StandardCyrillic encoding.

Fonts installed in System 9 are automatically madeavailable in Mac OS X, so if you upgraded to OS X from a 'russified'System 9, your do not need to reinstall the fonts.

Itis still useful to have fonts in other encodings in addition to AppleStandard Cyrillic. I use the 'ER' series of fonts available from BRAMA Ukrainian Gateway. Forexample, here are links to download ER Univers in variousencodings:

  • ERUnivers Macintosh (Apple Standard Cyrillic)
  • ER UniversKOI8
  • ER Univers1251
  • ER Univers866

To install fontsin OS X, place individual font files into /Library/Fonts folder.If an application is running, you need to quit and relaunch it for thenewly installed fonts to become available.

The remainder of this page as well as Step 2is optional reading and is not required - you may peruse it for generaland historic information. Proceed directly to Step 3.

System installer for MacOS 9 allows you install Apple's Cyrillic support software (basically, abundled Cyrillic Language Kit), which includes Apple Standard Cyrillicfonts and a Cyrillic script. You should be able to run the installer overthe already-install System 9 and just add the Cyrillic support files. Toinstall, do the following:
  • On your Mac OS 9 System CD, doubleclick on 'Mac OS Install' icon
  • Go through the usual steps in selectingthe destination disk, agreeing to license terms, etc. until you get to thelast screen before the installation begins (there are buttons 'Customize','Options...', 'Go back' and 'Start').
  • Click 'Customize'
  • Scroll tothe bottom of the list, check the box next to 'Language Kits' and underpop-up menu on the right select 'Customized installation...'
  • In theresulting window, check 'Software for the Cyrillic languages' and click'OK'
  • Click 'Start' and the installation will proceed

Ifyou're interested in such font encodings as KOI8, CP1251, etc. in additionto Apple Standard Cyrillic, see above.

You willfind more supporting information below, although the remainder of thispage is optional reading and is not required. After completing Mac OS 9Cyrillic support installation instructions, you do not need to install aseparate script, and therefore can skip Step 2, proceeding directly to Step3.

In this Step you'll berequired to download and install 2 different standards of fonts on yourMacintosh: KOI8 and Apple StandardCyrillic.


Cyrillic Fonts For Mac Free

KOI stands for 'Kod Obmena Informatsii' orCode of Information Exchange. It is an 8-bit encoding (hence the nameKOI8) which includes both Latin and Cyrillic alphabets and is used inRussia predominantly for communication purposes, such as e-mail, USENET,Internet publishing via WWW, Gopher, etc.

There are other standardsof character encoding, both Latin and Cyrillic. For example, a standardused in the USA is called ASCII or American National Standard Code forInformation Interchange; its most common form is 7-bit encoding whichonly contains characters of the Latin alphabet. Besides KOI8, there are atleast three more methods of encoding Cyrillic text, and while surfing theInternet, you might see the names Apple Standard Cyrillic, Codepage 1251(MS-Windows ANSI) and Codepage 866 (Alternative PC). Those encodings aremore commonly used on Windows and DOS computers, respectively.

AKOI8 font is needed to be able to display KOI8 text; to be able towrite in KOI8, an appropriate keyboard layout is also necessary. Amongseveral KOI8 fonts available on the Internet, I would recommend eitherDan Chirkov's KOI8-Terminal package or the ER (stands forEnglish-Russian) series of fonts. Note - Dan Chirkov's package isreferenced here for historical purposes since those fonts were the firstMacintosh KOI8 fonts to become available and as a result probably havelarger installed base than the recent ER series.

  1. Daniel Chirkov's packageincludes fonts (TrueType, Bitmap and Postscript) and a keyboard layout.This package can be found on many Internet sites dealing with Russia andthe Russian language, as well as on Info-Mac.

    Downloadkoi8v2.cpt.hqx file;decompress using StuffIt Expanderand install it. Note: The file is currently not available. Pleasescroll down to the section of ER fonts for your KOI8 font needs.6/10/98

    Since ourgoal in this step is to install the fonts, it is my recommendation thatyou install only one suitcase of fonts out of the whole package - it iscalled 'KOI8-Terminal.suit' and can be found in the 'TrueType'folder (see illustration above). If you need help with installing thefonts on your Macintosh, follow this link.

    Note: PostScript fontKOI8Ter - a part of the package - is broken. I do not recommendinstalling it. If you do, you will not be able to print KOI8 text to aLaserwriTer printer.

  2. New! The ER Series of Cyrillic Fonts created by Gavin Helf are now available for both Macintosh and Windows operating systems; they were adapted for the Macintosh by Zenon M. Feszczak and L. Jake Jacobson . These fonts are available for the following Cyrillic codings: CP1251, CP866, KOI8, and Apple Standard Cyrillic (Macintosh); and they come in four font styles: Bukinist (a Times-face), Univers (a Helvetica-face), Kurier (a monospaced font) and Architect (a decorative font).

    Download the fonts from BRAMA Ukrainian Gatewayat:

    • ERArchitectKOI8.hqx
    • ERBukinistKOI8.hqx
    • ERKurierKOI8.hqx
    • ERUniversKOI8.hqx
    Contributedby the infamous Max Pyziur of BRAMA Ukrainian Gatewayserver.
    Note: A problem with laser printers resultingin a PostScript error was reported with ER Architect font. Not havingaccess to a laser printer, I can't confirm it. Thanks to Kat Tancock.8/28/98

This section provides instructionson downloading and installing Cyrillic fonts which are a part of Apple'sRussian version of System 7.0.1. I am assuming that you're running System7.x.x and higher. Instructions below are for TrueType fonts, if you'reinterested in PostScript versions, read these instructions.

Chekhovskoy libertinas co akademie alte red october adigiana ultra adigiana 2 ronduit capitals light whipsmart idealist sans mb real grinder modern led board 7 modern dot digital 7 equestria cyrillic marta multicolore barbarian pfennig amerika pro logoskate advanced pixel 7 advanced led board 7 advanced dot digital 7 gagarin star mix cyrillic calico cyrillic. Macintosh Cyrillic Fonts and Keyboard Drivers. This article is translated to Serbo-Croatian language by Vera Djuraskovic from Webhostinggeeks.com. This page has been translated into Romanian.Alternate Romanian translation. This page has been translated into Spanish. Alternate Spanish translation. Macintosh uses 'Mac Cyrillic' encoding. These standard Microsoft Cyrillic fonts are available on all modern versions of Windows, even when it's a non-Russian Windows (for non-Russian Windows 3.1/3.11 it's not the case and a user must download those free non-Microsoft fonts offered in the next section). Cyrillic Fonts Here you browse through more than 119 cyrillic fonts. Downloads free cyrillic fonts you like for Mac, Windows, and Linux. These fonts are available for the following Cyrillic codings: CP1251, CP866, KOI8, and Apple Standard Cyrillic (Macintosh); and they come in four font styles: Bukinist (a Times-face), Univers (a Helvetica-face), Kurier (a monospaced font) and Architect (a decorative font). Download the fonts from BRAMA Ukrainian Gateway at: ERArchitectKOI8.hqx.

  1. Download an imageofFonts 1.If you're having difficulties with this link, go to themirrors page.
  2. Use StuffIt Expander to decompress theresulting image file.
  3. UseDisk Copysoftware from Apple to mount the disk image on your desktop by draggingFonts 1.image file onto Disk Copyicon.
  4. Double-click the floppy icon to open it.
  5. Drag all the fontsuitcases on top of your closed System folder until it becomeshighlighted, and release the mouse button.
  6. Confirm that you wouldindeed like to install some fonts.
  7. You're done.

ER Apple Standard Cyrillic fonts are alsoavailable, they have 'Macintosh' in their name. Download thesefonts from BRAMA UkrainianGateway at:

  • ERArchitectMacintosh.hqx
  • ERBukinistMacintosh.hqx
  • ERKurierMacintosh.hqx
  • ERUniversMacintosh.hqx

Free Cyrillic Fonts For Mac

IMPORTANT - If your goal is to be able to ONLYDISPLAY Cyrillic (WWW Browser, for example) and you're NOT planning toTYPE in Russian (E-Mail, for example), you do not need to follow Steps 2and 3 - go directly to Step 4 to continue.

Russian fonts for macFree cyrillic fonts
Backto Main Page | Step 1 | Go to step2


Cyrillic Font Windows 10

  • If you need help with installing the fonts onyour Macintosh, follow this link.
  • Mysterious Floppy 'image' Explained
  • Generaloverview of Software Localization
  • Cyrillic Text Encoding Methods
  • Eudora and choice of Cyrillic fonts
  • DanielChirkov's MacCyrillic FAQ.
  • PostScript AppleStandard Cyrillic fonts instructions.
  • Anumber of links to commercial Cyrillic fontsare available.

Cyrillic Script Font